Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Requiem to lost memories

Days gone by, then weeks
Soon it'll be months, since I last saw you

Yet the memories stay
Things I shouldn't hold on to
I remember your smile
I remember the colour of your eyes
I remember the way you smell
As you lay your head on my shoulders
I remember the way you look
When you lay asleep
Sweet and Innocent like a child
I remember the way your hair brushes my face
As the wind blows through your hair from the open window
I remember the times
When I see you laugh and I see you cry
I remember the times
I wanted to just hold you
And tell you everything is alright

And now I look up in the sky,
Blue skies turned grey
Now the sky seems blue again
Is it finally time for me to let go?
And end the mourning of the loss
The loss of these memories
Gone as quickly as it came
Forever lost in the sands of time
In time we may meet again
But these memories will already be lost
Maybe I might find them again
Maybe I'd already gone cold
Maybe fate will cross my path again

Heaven Knows

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