Tuesday, November 01, 2005

On Champange and Spirits

Hmm...champange...don't you just love it. The wonderful bubbly sensationa as the 'nectar of gods' flows down soothingly through your throat, leaving a fresh bouquet of flavours in your mouth. Somehow what ever I drink seems pretty much to reflect my moods. Champange when I'm happy with my group of buddies from VS. Whiskey when I'm alone and I'm feeling kinda mellow and down. Wine when I feel kinda light hearted and coffee? Well Its just the normal regular me here. Flaming Lamborghini? Well, thats when I feel like partying, like when I go clubbing with my JC pals. Lately I've been feeling kinda down, so whiskey I went to. The best part is that after a drink I sleep like a baby. Sure, accuse me of being an alcoholic and everything. But when being sober means that You'd feel more pain...why not be less than sober. At least after I drink (I drink in moderation...1 glass only...) I feel sleepy and just doze off, rather than stay awake and torture myself with all sorts of funny thoughts...The last time I had champange was a few months ago, incidentaly that was the last time I felt really happy...Maybe I should get a bottle of good champange (No Moet et Chandon Brut Imperial mind you...good stuff like Piper Heidsieck and If I can afford it...1996 Dom Perignon (S$200-300+)) and maybe I'll feel better...

But really, I've stopped my whiskey thing now, so I must feel better already. Problem is that bottle at home is only half finished...

Makes me wonder when will be the next time I'd need its services....


Well, home ought to be a warm place for all of us, a place where we can go to and hide out when the world collapses, a place where we can find unconditional love and care and concern, a place where we can spread the joys of our lives, and a place where we can share our burdens as a family...But recently, events changed my perceptions somewhat. My buddy's family is causing hi m problems (u know who you are Mr Knight...) and if I am not reading his blog incorrectly, he's staying away from home, spending mot of his time in school. Well, I think back to the times in secondary school because at that time, I did almost pretty much the same thing. The thought of running away from the one thing that belongs to me (my home) crossed my mind quite frequently because of the problems I had with them...(long story, next time....) Of course, my problems are nowhere as great as my buddy's problems, I'd be the first to admit that...But what really shook me was that to him at least, home is likely to be none of the above...He feels unloved, uncared for...Tragedy, I'd always look at him and wondered whether I'll form a family as loving as his (well, that was before the problems he had with his family) and I told him that he had a lovely family...What happened...The one thing in this world thats unchanging, that's supposed to be with you suddenly changed...But deep inside I still feel hope. Hope that whatever problems for my buddy will be resolved soon, and hope that I'll not get myself into too much troubles when I do set up my own family, for honestly I've seen enough such shit in my family and now his to know that all the more peace and harmony in the family is something worth fighting for. Honestly, I pray that my buddy's problem will be resolved soon, for ever since that started, I've seen him spiral downwards faster and faster and deeper and deeper. He's in a very bad shape now and as a friend, honestly I feel really helpless about it except to talk to him and pray real hard that he'll survive this. Of course, if he do, he'll be all the stronger. I wish him strength and faith in his endeavours. I learnt that running never solves problems, so why keep running?

From your sincere friend
To a friend who's running away

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